Ilana’s Live Broadcast from Sedona, Arizona

Join us for Morning Meditation


Friday, May 12, 2023 from 8:00 – 8:45 a.m. Pacific (11:00 – 11:45 a.m. Eastern)

Hosted by Ilana Kristeva, Self-Care Vigilante (Time Whisperer)

Living in today’s “civilized” world, we can easily forget how connected our body is to Mother Earth.

Let us honor the “Eleventh Hour,” as encouraged by Hopi Native elders, by consciously re-integrating ourselves with this splendid planet. The time is now to broadcast higher vibrations of joy, compassion, love, and laughter in a way we have never yet experienced in our human form.

Photo by Ilana Kristeva

Bring your sadness, disappointment, confusion, and thirst for hope to Sedona, so she can take what no longer serves you and recycle it all into life-affirming energy!

Join Ilana for a peaceful, powerful morning meditation of gazing upon Red Rock and listening to her deep, soothing voice. What will Sedona reveal to your heart and soul? How will your body feel from head to toe?

Come to find out. Explore peace-making at the cellular level in your body, on this planet, and beyond.

We are caring for human body and Earth body, together!


Landscape Photos by Ilana Kristeva

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