I am very good at focusing on minutiae. I can magnify anything that is bad and forget what is great. Join me in changing the world by creating spiritual vaccine from within ourselves and not holding our breath until immunization or a magic potion arrives.

I am asking you to remember that you are significant on this planet right now. There is no mistake that you are here during the evolution of a new world. You can try to go back to the way things were, but Mother Earth needs you to participate in THIS reality. Your body, my body, and earth's body are all connected. Together, we embrace life-affirming thoughts, words, and actions throughout the day, one day at a time.

We need a healthy earth to heal our body, mind, spirit, and wallet. And Mother Earth needs us as much as we need her. She reminds us that we are human connectors between the heavens and the earth. We are human conduits, as energy flows from the celestial realm through us and into the center of the planet and from Mother Earth’s core to the Universe—and beyond.

Each and every one of us is important. How can I consciously put something in my body that blocks the flow of energy that is my mission to deliver? I must challenge myself to transform something awful into something awesome at all times so that I, you, we can elevate our conscious and subconscious minds together. The kid in me salutes the kid in you!

My Vibrant Tribe, let's play well and sleep productively to serve our communities from a place of plenty. Scarcity thinking—poverty consciousness—invites tragedy. I know this personally, and we can turn it around. Believing we are valuable on this planet leads to prosperous actions building respect, co-creation, and harmony amidst our addiction to crises.

At any given moment, what do you focus on—what you have or what you lack? Are you fixed on what is missing or wrong with your body, mind, soul, and wallet? Or are you transforming it, welcoming health and wealth without waiting for something outside to change?

Share with me how you are cultivating your inner garden at my 3-part Spiritual Vaccine Workshop, online September 13 and 27 and October 11 from 12-1pm PST. That’s 9am in Hawaii, 3pm in NY, 9pm in Paris, 3am in Hong Kong, and 5am in Sydney.

Then, join me and the Sedona SuperTeam on the Spiritual Vaccine Summit, a 5-day online gathering in October 2020. We are elevating human consciousness - body, mind, spirit, wallet - together from the inside out. Let peace begin WITHIN me and us!"

—Ilana kristeva, Self-Care Vigilante, nature lover, laughaholic and Founder of Field of Choices where leaders and coaches play well, sleep well, to serve well. Visit Ilana at InstantGratitudeNow.com—Broadcasting Vibrancy Everywhere—or at FieldOfChoices.com.

© 2020 Ilana Kristeva, All Rights Reserved

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